15 January 2011

Zesty Wintery Ride

I can't think of a better adjective than "zesty" to describe today's wintery road biking adventure, after a week of the flu and no exercise. Temps were in the mid 20s, but the 10-15 mph winds and the occasional snow posed somewhat of a challenge. Ski goggles were and absolute requirement today. Roads were mostly clear, though there was a lot of fishtailing on the lesser-maintained roads behind the airport. I'm glad that I'm not riding a studded tire in the rear, in spite of the decrease in traction on the sloppier roads. Studded tires really do add quite a bit of resistance.

19 miles, a little over 1,000 vert. ft, 16.1 mph. Not bad for a heavy touring bike and a studded tire.

Fingers were freezing on the way up the hill, though they finally thawed by the time I got to the airport. My left foot was an ice cube by the time I got home, but curiously, none of that mattered. Here's hoping for a mid-winter thaw so I can take the road bike out again...