03 February 2011

Groundhog Reminder

If Punxsutawney Phil is correct (let's call him P-Phil to give him some more street cred.), we only have two more weeks of winter! Even if he's off by a few weeks, our chubby little lowland marmot friend has me all fired up about endless days of spring cycling. So let's welcome all the snow, sleet and freezing rain and bide our time, as we notice the days getting longer and sooner than we can imagine, the local roads will be filled with beaming cyclists breathing in large gulps of warmish air, taking in the beautiful roadways of the finger lakes yet again. 

My trainer isn't quite gathering dust, but it's seeing a lot less use than last season, thanks to inspiration from Keith T. and Andy G., who remind me via Facebook that winter cycling is a viable option. I somehow managed to log 170 road miles in January, and those short hill climbs have me feeling so great. I find it so challenging to get motivated for a cold weather ride, but the payoff is always huge. 

So thanks to P-Phil for the boost...time to take stock of the spring cycling wardrobe!

1 comment:

GeekGuyAndy said...

Glad my winter riding helped inspire you! I've been busier with skiing lately, so haven't gotten out for too many rides other than commuting mostly. Probably about <100 miles for January. My "season" tends to start early though, usually trying to get a few centuries in during March in prep for potential touring in April/May, though I didn't get a chance to tour last year but I'm hoping for a few this year.