09 December 2009

Organizing the Resistance

Thanks to my friend George, we are now the proud owners of an early '90s vintage NordicTrack Skier exercise machine. It took me a while to decide whether or not to adopt this odd looking torture equipment resistance-based exercise unit, but I'm very glad that we chose to be its new parents and add it to our growing resistance movement. After one quick and very fun workout, I'm sold. Brilliant design...very simple and very effective, just like the 1UP USA resistance bike trainer. It just works, and it does a fairly decent job of emulating the real nordic skiing experience. I just have to figure out why my heels occasionally hit the back stop thingermajigger.

While the bike trainer certainly won't be gathering dust, this seems like a very nice companion activity to cycling in place. I haven't been cross-country skiing in many years, and who knows, maybe this is the year to get back into it, especially if we can convince the boys about how fun it truly is. Maybe I need to organize a ski party in the north country. Millions of Scandinavians can't be wrong! Soon it'll be time to build a sauna, dig a pond in the backyard and ferment some vodka. Oh, and how about some raw, salted herring?

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